Friday, September 25, 2009

bla...bla..bla.. nyangka bentar lagi libur berakhirr :(
Bentar lagi harus kembali ke penyiksaan dan perbudakan sekolah lagi..mles bget de *sob..sob T.T

btw.. selama liburan ini gw belajar maen gitar lho..hehe
finally my dream comes true..the guitar is in my hand noww LOL :)
gw main gitarnya belajar" sendiri aja..mahal kalo ngeles hehe *ketahuan deh pelitnyaa..>.<
cuma ya gw bru bisa chord" dasar..
dan puji Tuhan banget gw dah bisa bikin lagu pake gitar..yeyy!
lagunya buat sum1 de..hahaha.. tau lg ne mau nulis apaa
sekian aja deh..
Gbus.. :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lokasi syutinf BBF

Basi kali ya klo hari gene masih negabhas ttg BBF? yah dpp la..daripada nggak sama sekali. Lagian juga saya cm mau berbagi info sm kalian semua haha XD
Nah kali ini amri kita intip lokasi" shooting film BBF! Nah..lokasi" syuting film ini kan keren" tuh.. udalah mewah,romantis lagii..LOL..
Jd yuk simakk..mana tau bisa jadi panduan kalo mau jalan" ke Korea..hehe :)


Emang uni yg 1 ne mantebb dahh..buktinya masuk ke 10 uni terkeren di Korea.. Gak heran klo BBF syuting disini..

Terletak di kawasan Jamsil, di hotel ini diadain pesta kepulangannya Min Seo Hyun. Di sini nih, adegan pas Jandi saltum…

Di sini tempat Jandi ma Junpyo berbelanja sebelum mereka pergi ke Caledonia.



Tempat ini juga dikenal sebagai Menara Seoul. Wajib hukumnya buat para turis dating ke sini kalo ke Korea. Di sini nih, tempat si Junpyo first date ma Jandi. By the way, tower ini sering banget dibuat shooting film n drama.

Hotel ini terletak di dekat Namsan Tower. Di sini setting pas Jandi sama Ga Eul double date. Wuih…. Tempatnya romantic banget…

Restoran inilah yang diceritakan sebagai tempat bekerja part time Jandi. By the way, masakan yang disediakan di sini macem-macem plus enak-enak loo….

Kalo kalian pernah liat Super Junior Full House, pasti tahu tempat ini. Ya, SuJu pernah ke English Village yang terletak di propinsi Gyeonggi ini. Di sini, diambil adegan pas Jandi ngejatuhin es krim ke sepatu Junpyo.



Ini dia tempat yang digunakan jadi rumahnya JoonPyo. Aslinya, tempat ini adalah tempat klub golf mewah. Pantes aja…

Ini tempat buat ski-ing. Kalo tahu Lee An, MV-nya yang berjudul “Us” mengambil tempat di sini lo.



Ini dia tempat yang paling aku suka… Rumah Ji Hoo. Terletak di Silla Millenium Park, Gyeongju. Usut punya usut hotel ini termasuk hotel mewah di Korea. Di setiap kamarnya aja ad ataman dan kolam air panas pribadi. Harga buat nginep semalem di sini pun “wow”, yaitu 400 ribu won. Yang mau nginep di sini, silakan…



Pulau ini terletak di Propinsi Jeju. Sumpah, pemandangannya indah banget…

Di sini nih, adegan menikahnya Junpyo sama Jaekyung diambil.

Ternyata, kantin SMA Shinhwa berada di tempat yang beda lo dari dari sekolahnya. Kantin SMA Shinhwa mengambil tempat di gedung Artinus di Heyry Art.

Tempat ini digunakan untuk mengambil adegan pas Ji Hoo dan Jandi berkuda bareng.

Tempat ini dijadikan museum keramiknya I Jung. Aslinya, ya emang museum keramik sih. Di sini sering banget diadain pameran keramik.

Terletak di Incheon, pulau ini mempunyai luas 25km2. Di sini, adegan piknik romantisnya Jandi sama Joonpyo diambil.



Kalo barusan dari Incheon Airport, bisa langsung ke sini loo… Pantai pasir putih ini pun menjadi salah satu andalan pariwisatanya Korea.

Tempat Junpyo melamar Jandi, sumpah di beach sini pemandangannya bagus banget…

Di tempet ini, Ji Hoo mainin piano buat Jandi. Tempat ini sering banget buat pameran, acara award maupun music.

Di sini diceritakan, akhirnya ortunya Jandi tinggal. Di sini sering diadakan lomba memancing lo…

Di pelabuhan ini nih, Ji Hoo sama harabeoji (kakek)nya suka mancing…

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kim Bum! I will share some information to all of u about KIM BUM (requested by CF "Kim BUM's BIG FANS" :p) wkk.. Translate by yourself yaa ^^

Entrepreneurs, as always, wants to change the world in many ways or another. Some are motivated by money. Yet some are motivated by the legacy of innovation. It is always said that all the money in the world can’t buy any person happiness, and it’s true. Happiness is always motivated by success and most of the time money comes after happiness. Doing what you love the most makes every person happy and money comes after it.

This is same with the case of Kim Bum; a South Korean actor who I believe is one of the most famous amongst all actors from all of South East Asia today. He is currently one of the stars of F4 which is currently aired through ABS-CBN’s after prime time and is partnered with Kim So Eun.

Motivated just like Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb (as featured in the Malcolm Gladwell’s book, Outliers), Kim Bum made his own success not all alone by himself, but mostly with what Malcolm Gladwell calls, “cultivated upbringing”.

As a kid, Kim Bum often gets what he grabs in his hand not unlike the other mothers who usually clap and pull towards their child to grab the items they parents’ wished. As a kid, Kim always had the dreamt of filming a movie. And at around 3 and 4 years of age, whenever he watches a movie, he could sit in front of it watching as he has all the time in the world. These habits are cultivated by the Bum Family to make Kim follow his heart for what he loves doing which furnished him the skill to write reviews of the films he has seen and all these happened in his early days in school.

At this point I must say that Kim Bum’s early exposure to movies during his childhood days handed over the other skills he obtained in his later years. But then, the ingredients of success are not only realized by with the skills you have but the other part of the mix is always an opportunity. And it is said, “Luck is when opportunity meets preparation”.

In the middle parts of his school years, Kim has exhibited loads of effort to become an actor. Year has passed and no good results were reaped. He joined the “Survival Star Audition” where he had thousands of competitors but only landed on the 8th place. Gaining some popularity, Kim Bum was given the role as the son of Yoo Ho Jung in “Outrageous Women” but was not given a break.

Kim Bum was persistent and promised her mother: “Mom, please believe in me”. And indeed what happened next was History.

Let's check his photos...from baby till NOW! :))


baby Kim Bum :)


Kim bum pas TK



kim bum remajaa :)) ga beda" jauh mukanya sma yg skrg...

Kim bum versi dewasa hahaha...

so switt :P.. kayaknya ne poto waktu mrk lg iklanin HP deh...

Nah teman".. walau saya bukan fans Kim Bum,tp saya akui Kim Bum memang sangat imutt..bahkan sejak ingusan imutnya emg uda ada..imutnya Kim Bum mah permanen atuu..haha. Ohyaa... Kim Bum pernah bilang, kalau dia ga suka pake celana macem yang ketat-ketat dan kaos yang lengannya pendek (pakaian anak muda indonesia gaul jaman sekarang).walaupun kadang dia tetep membelinya karena pada dasarnya Kim Bum punya hobby shopping. ( bum hobi shoping! XD )

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lee Min Ho~2

Jgn bingung..foto diatas bukan foto siapa"..haha.. Sebernarnya itu fto Lee Min Ho wktu mse SD. . CUPU SEKALI BUKAN?haha.. Nah..temen" sekalian pst sering dgr ttg Lee Min Ho oprasi bukan? Nah..klo blum saya akan berbagi info dengan kaliaan semuaa :))

Kiri : pas SMA

Foto yg diatas itu,yg ad muka org disensor,katanya sih ahli bedah nya :P
Fto yg dibawah~ Before n After nya idung Lee Min Ho :P

Nah..klo ini versi jadul dan versi kerennya :)

Nah..ternyata emg bner y Lee Min Ho itu oprasi idung..pantes idungny bagus nian y! wkwk.. tp biar nak oprasi ato dak tetap b la udah cakep dr oprasi tu dak memberi pengaruh besar untuk ketampanan Lee Min Ho..setuju dong? iyaa! haha..

Wiss..tuh fto Lee Min Ho wih his sister n mother. Duh..Lee Min Ho ny cakep banget dsna >.<
Sayang ya ga ad fto dgn bpakny..haha :P

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lee Min Ho :))

Get to know Lee Min Ho straight from his Mom :)
Translate by yourself..Oke? :P


As with his rapidly rising popularity,many fans are getting curious by the day how the childhood of the leading man from the popular KBS “Boys Before Flowers”, Lee Min Ho, is like. IS PLUS has exclusively got hold of some childhood photos of Lee Min Ho, along with descriptions of them. In addition, Lee Min Ho’s mother will be giving interesting narrations on Lee Min Ho’s childhood in a 5-part daily articles, beginning from the 16th.

Young Lee Min Ho (0 - 4 years old)

(From Lee Min Ho’s mom)

I had a dream when I was bearing Min Ho, the dream scene is a plateau of chilli ground. Although the hospital did not gave me the sex of my child, but since having that dream, I was confident that it should be a son. I don’t normally like to eat meat, but for some strange reasons, I liked it alot during my pregnancy period. I ate beef every four days and now Lee Min Ho’s favourite dish is chilli with beef.

Min Ho was 3.2kg when he was born, a little lighter than the average newborn babies. His health was toward the weaker side from young till his elementary school stage. His Bronchus had some problems, therefore he is prone to cold whenever the season changes. And also, no matter how much food he ate, he just couldn’t get fat. I’m of blood type A, his body and personalities are very similar to me.

He doesn’t eat alot, nutritional tonics were given to him almost every season. We gave him a lot of food just like what others did to their child but he just can’t grow fat. He was always very shy with strangers and very sensitive. Therefore, I always had to carry him around and coax him.

Min Ho is especially beautiful when young. His eyes were bigger than his elder sister, his nose was high as well. The earliest signs showing his talent of being an actor was during young, due of his eloquence. Although his sister is fluent in her speech, Min Ho had learned to talk much earlier. When he was still in his infancy stage, he could quickly detect moving objects. The very first time he called “mom” was also about 3 to 4 months faster than an average child.

(Rest of the article will only be out in the next few days)

Now let us look at the photo walkthough of Lee Min Ho.

Lee Min Ho’s Photo Walkthrough With Descriptions

One year old birthday


Lee Min Ho is only slightly taller than the average child when he was young. He isn’t really very tall. But as he grew up, he became much taller. His physique became better as well. This photo was taken at a banquet hall in Seoul. Young Min Ho who was only one year old at that time, was not interested in any of the food placed on the table. Instead, he wanted a mouthful of cola-flavoured ice-cream which his sister was eating that time.

Two years old, on the home bed


When he was young, we all called Min Ho “sudden blink”. The main reason was because due to his large eyes, it was very cute when his eyes blink continuously. Before Christmas, “little Min Ho” sat on the bed.

Five years old, waiting to eat the cake that his father had brought, with his sister


Min Ho had a very good relationship with his sister. The number of arguments they had were really countable. This day, they posed on the table with the cake that their father had bought.

Six years old, tour to Chung Pyung with family


As with his role in “Boys Before Flowers”, Lee Min Ho in real life doesn’t know how to swim either. He was very timid during young and everytime, the whole family has to encourage and coax him, before he will play in the water. Only after several assurance from his mom and sister did young Lee Min Ho decided to play in the water, but with his life-jacket and sunglasses on.

Seven years old, birthday at kindergarden


Min Ho is very shy, I had never dreamt of him becoming an actor one day. Even the song that he sang during his kindergarden birthday party was also after several practice at home with mom. Even though Min Ho was very shy when he was young, but he met plenty of friends when he progressed to middle school. He became more extrovert from then on.

Nine years old, grade 2, camping behind the school compound


During his elementary education, Min Ho learned soccer and started to like mountain climbing and playing around in the fields. During summer, he liked to catch insects.

Eighteen years old, high school graduation ceremony


Beginning from middle school stage, Min Ho is already very handsome and also enjoyed a high popularity among guy and girl friends. Even his sister’s friends called him “yun kyung’s ‘pretty boy’ brother”. He began his acting career when he was in his second year in high school. Although his looks is roughly the same as now, but he had pimples popping out as and when during that period.


(Description from Lee Min Ho’s mom)

Lee Min Ho ( 5 to 9 years old)

Min Ho loved to read the newspaper. He first started learning Hangul from the colourful advertisements printed on the newspapers.

Min Ho who was enthusiastic towards reading newspaper, cultivated a habit to read the commentary articles on the children newspaper and daily papers when he entered elementary school. He could do addition and subtraction very fast and had a very good memory. Even the multiplication table and Hanja didn’t trouble him at all.

During his lower elementary school stage, he was shy child that didn’t like to stand in front of everyone. Despite this, he enjoyed a high popularity and had acquainted many friends. Since kindergarten, Min Ho has been very popular among girls.

Compared to other children of the same age, Min Ho was always half a head taller than them. Even when placed beside children with fair features, Min Ho’s appearance was still very prominent and stood out among them. Whenever the season changes, the little girls who played with Min Ho will also change accordingly. There were even fights among them because some girls wanted to gain exclusiveness to Min Ho.

After learning Taekwondo, his body became muscular. Nobody in the school dared to pick a fight with him. Min Ho once harbor the aim to be a famous soccer player. He had played four years of soccer under coach Cha Bum Kun’s Youth soccer team. With this as a basis, Min Ho who was previously weaker gradually became a sports athlete. He also met a lot of new friends, which eventually shaped his positive attitude personality.

When he was five, Min Ho nearly became a lost child. Even till now, discussions on “whether little Min Ho is scared at that time”, are still a common topic among the family members. It was only a short moment before Min Ho roamed around the playground and eventually went missing. Luckily, there was a little tag on his wrist that wrote his house address and his name. The citizens around that area sent him back home. Till now, the incident still sends a shiver down my spine whenever I thought of it.


Lee Min Ho (10 to 15 years old)

After Min Ho entered elementary school, videos and computer games were his only focus. If I did not reprimand him, he would be thinking of playing games all day long. Min Ho’s dad played the kind role, while I had no choice but to be the strict mum.

Min Ho is thrifty. Although our family was not wealthy, we tried our best not to disappoint our children and gave them about 100 thousand won as pocket money each time. Min Ho didn’t spend every single cent away. Instead, he deposited them into his savings account. Due to his inward personality, he would sometimes give carnations during Parents’ Day and disappear immediately after saying “Mom, please wear it”.

After learning soccer from coach Cha Bum Kun, Min Ho’s physique improved all of a sudden. His sports (lesson) was often an “A”. His mathematics was also kept consistently above 90 marks. During his first and second year in the middle school, his height increased at an astounding rate. In fact, he isn’t much taller now compared to then.

During his elementary education, the thought of becoming an actor one day didn’t even crossed his mind but after he was promoted to the middle school, he was often approached by star scouts. Those managers would often say: “Please come to find me if you wish to be an artiste.” As such, Min Ho received a lot of name cards. In the beginning, we shrugged the idea off as we thought he did not have the qualities to be one.

However, as the number of such occurrences increased, Min Ho also started to go for auditions and meet some managers. When he returned home, he would put it simply: “Mom, I went for an audition today. It was very interesting.” His began to harbor the dream of becoming an actor.

During his middle and high school, he liked Sol Kyung Gu and Kim Soo Roh respectively and often mentioned that he wanted to become actors like them.

According to rumours, Kim Soo Roh gave his mother an apple crate full of 10000 won notes after he became famous. Min Ho then often said to us: “If I’m able to rise in popularity in the entertainment circle, I will give dad and mom an even more precious gift.”


Lee Min Ho (16 to 19 years old)

The apartment that we are residing in now is in fact provided by Min Ho. After Min Ho signed the contract with his current management agency, he immediately gave us the entire portion as the rental deposit for the new apartment.

Min Ho is just such an affectionate child. He became a part-time model for a fashion magazine after he entered high school, with a daily salary of 50000 won. Every time he received his pay, he would always buy some presents for his sister and mom.

Although neither was there any surprise, nor was there any touching words mentioned, he would often place a stalk of rose on the dining table without detection or put the cosmetic stuff that he had bought sneakily on my dressing table. If he saw me eating my meal alone, he would then say “Mom, why do you eat alone? Come on, let’s eat together”, and chat with me while eating.

During his second year in high school, he started to realize his dream of becoming an actor. Within the next few years, he underwent trainings as well as participated in several projects such as “Secret Campus” (2006), “Mackerel Run” (2007) and “My School E.T” (2008), and began his first step to become an actor.

It was a huge commotion in our neighbourhood when Min Ho first appeared in “Secret Campus”. Relatives and friends were all very concerned about him.They often discussed “who is that handsome actor?”, “after being a trainee for such a long time, Min Ho is finally on TV!”, etc.The first time Min Ho appeared on the fashion magazine as the main model, he bought several copies of that issue back and shared it with his friends and neighbours.


Lee Min Ho (20 to 22 years old)

I had two dreams before Min Ho took on the “Boys Before Flowers” project. The first was the “golden poo” dream in which I dreamt of my 5-year-old Min Ho playing with his grandpa and grandma but suddenly ran towards me and shitted in front of me. While cleaning the poo for him, I asked “Why is this child like that?”. However, he continued to drop more poo made from gold all around the house. Two days later, I had another dream. This time I dreamt of Min Ho’s huge poster photo being hung at a nearby photo gallery with people from the neighbourhood gathered in front of it. I’m not sure if these dreams were correlated, but Min Ho then indeed became a star through “Boys Before Flowers”.

We had just moved to Sangdo-dong less than a month ago but recently, there were always a lot of reporters waiting in front of our house. This was an “all-new experience” to our ordinary family.

On Valentine’s Day, Min Ho received many chocolates given by his fans. Currently, we are giving away all those chocolates to our neighbours because there are simply too many. No matter how much we eat, the amount still remains. Min Ho has also received some branded accessories and apparel vouchers, but we deemed them too valuable, thus we mailed them back.

Min Ho could only sleep for 3 hours a day recently as he had plenty of overnight filming. My heart aches whenever I see him lack of sleep. As his mother, I could only stew some ginseng and red ginseng tonic for him to replenish his energy. Min Ho’s path towards stardom isn’t quite smooth from the start. He had met with an accident soon after he began his activities, which required him to receive about a year’s treatment in the hospital. There were metal pieces inserted into his left knee cap and inner thigh. We planned to let him undergo another operation after he finished filming for “Boys Before Flowers”. Despite the media advocating that he “became famous overnight”, and is indeed partially-correct from some perspectives, but to Min Ho and us, “rewards after putting in much effort” is more appropriate in this context.


credits to:

Theme Park Trans Studio World Makassar

HALO INDONESIA! haha XD Sudah saatnya ne Indonesia berkembang..jgn mau kalah dari negara" lain.. secara Indonesia itu sangat berpotensi..baik panorama alam yang indah, hingaa kekayaan yang melimpah.. Nah..sudah saatnya ne kita sebagai warga negara Indonesia turut berbangga diri atas kehadiran....

Wah...gimana ga bangga, theme park ini mrupakan theme park indoor terbesar di DUNIA! Lho..berarti ga kalah dari Disneyland dong? COOL :)) Nah..sebelum membahas tentang Studio
Trans, mari kita mengenal Makassar terlebih dahulu. Krna Trans Studio sendiri berlokasi di Makassar :))

Makassar adalah Ibu Kota Sulawesi Selatan. Kota ini memiliki banyak tempat menarik, pulau-pulau eksotis, pantai yang indah, kesenian yang atraktif, hiburan, dan kuliner khas. Makassar juga merupakan pintu gerbang wisata lainnya di Sulawesi, seperti Tana Toraja, Bunaken, dan Wakatobi.

Makassar dapat dijangkau melalui udara atau laut. Banyak penerbangan langsung ke Makassar, satu jam dari Bali dan Surabaya, dua jam dari Jakarta. dan tiga jam dari Kuala Lumpur.

Theme Park Trans Studio World Makassar

Theme Park Trans Studio World Makassar mengadopsi konsep Universal Studio di Amerika Serikat. Berisi ruang-ruang simulasi beberapa program stasiun televisi, Trans TV, atau peristiwa di Indonesia. Konsep theme park di Trans Studio World bakal memberikan pengalaman tersendiri.

Beberapa di antaranya adalah Tsunami Island, suasana mencekam dilanda tsunami dan gempa bumi. Ada juga Magic Museum yang berisi benda-benda hidup seperti dalam film Night at The Museum, Dunia Lain, Arung Jeram, Magic Corner, Lost City, Terror Twister, dan Water Coaster.

Selain theme park, beberapa fasilitas lain yang dibangun adalah hotel, pasar swalayan, arena rekreasi pantai, fasilitas perkantoran, dan kafe. Trans Studio World mulai beroperasi bulan Juni mendatang. Secara bertahap, seluruh proyek selesai pada 2010.

Trans Studio and Resort menempati lahan seluas 14 hektare. Trans Studio World adalah theme park indoor yang pertama di Indonesia dan terluas di dunia. Sedangkan dari segi luasnya area secara keseluruhan, ini adalah yang terbesar setelah Taman Impian Jaya Ancol di Jakarta.

Trans Studio World dapat diakses dengan angkutan kota, taksi, atau fasilitas transportasi hotel
Tarif Masuk
Belum tersedia

Sumber Foto
Sumber Info

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Depressed :(

Messy, disgusted, fatigued!
yeah.. perfect to describe my condition poor I am huh?!
Sobss** T.T

Argh..gilaa lg kesal bged" hasil ul yg tidk memuaskan!
yaa sbenarnya sih uda biasa dpt nilai yg pas"an (wkwk)
tp kali ne gw ga terima bged!
secara kesalahan tu gr2 silly mistakes!
ish asli kesalnya minta ampunn..T.T
Ae emg la susa ya klo jd org bodo? depressed :((

haess..uda lah.. ga ada gunanya menyesall~ lebil baik untuk kedepannya harus diperbaikin..jgn sampe ceroboh lg dah..semangat! (kasian bgt sih gw nyemangatin diri sendiri?) :P

Kalo uda ngeblog mah harus heppi! ya biar yg baca juga ikt hepii :) stuju dong?haha
so how's your day?
Was it good? or bad like me ?;p
ya..moga semuanya good de..biarla ak bad sendiri
dunia tak adil! *lhoo?!" sudah semalam ini saya masih belum mandi ne wkwk
ydah..sekian utk post
mau mandi doloo..caoo!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Copy My Style -Saykoji

Guys..Saykoji ada buat lagu lho buat tetangga kita si Malaysia..
Judulnya -Copy My Style-
Keren cui! di download de.. :p

Saykoji – Copy My Style (Again)

You copy my style
You copy again
Apa plagiat di negara lo lagi ngetrend?
Ku tetap sabar tetap kau kuanggap friend
But sooner or lateri gotta take my stand

Udah bolak balik sampe balik kebolak
Temen gue sampe keselek pas makan kolak
Lagi lagi berulang ulang terus terjadi
Tetangga bikin ulah lagi bikin sakit hati

Suka ngaku ngaku kagak malu malu
Punya indonesia di klaim satu satu
Apa memang kalian yang gak mampu mampu
Buat budaya sendiri efek gak ampuh ampuh

Baca rambu rambu, bangsaku berbudi luhur
Tapi usik terus, reputasi mu masuk kubur
Jujur gue bangga jujur gue bersyukur
Elo ngaku ngaku berarti progress lo mundur

Panas ku bertutur kreasi bicara
Walau sudah jelas identitas ku dijarah
Joe farizal aja bisa minta maap
Masa yang lain kagak nyadar kagak tanggap

You copy my style
You copy again
Apa plagiat di negara lo lagi ngetrend?
Ku tetap sabar tetap kau kuanggap friend
But sooner or later i gotta take my stand

Bukan mo sok nasionalis sombong mengangkat alis
Bukan mo sok gangster bukan sok sadis
Walau lagi ngetop bukan gue sok ngartis
Tapi bales pake lagu paling praktis

Marah marah di internet, udah pasaran
Ngomel ngomel di pasar kagak sabaran
Kaya cacing kepanasan jenggot kebakaran
Rasanya gatel pengen ngasih tamparan

Tapi gue orang nya cinta damai
Walau rasanya sulit untuk santai
Amunisi di samping nyiur melambai
Pakai musik rap ku siap membantai

Memang satu rumpun masih sama melayu
Tapi melayu saykoji keras dan gak kemayu
Selendang rocker ku agak mendayu
Tapi coba ajak gue battle rap ayuk!!

You copy my style
You copy again
Apa plagiat di negara lo lagi ngetrend?
Ku tetap sabar tetap kau kuanggap friend
But sooner or later i gotta take my stand

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Taylor Swift ! ♥

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
i’ll be waiting all theres left to do is run
you’ll be the prince and i’ll be the princess
its a love story baby just say yes.... love story-Taylor Swift

Posting kali ini adalah tentang seorang MULTITALENTED bernama Taylor Swift :))

Cewek yg bernama lengkap Taylor Alison Swift ne lahir di
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.
Waktu masih kelas 4 Sd TF pernah menang lomba puisi sebnayak 3 halaman yg judulnya
"Monster in My Closet" (wah..kok aneh gitu ya? :p).
Pd umur 11 tahun, TF membuat demo lagu karokenya dan diserahkan ke perusahaan rekaman..namun sayangnya ditolak..poor taylor..
Lalu ketika umur 12 thn TF mulai main gitar dan membuat lagu (kecil" cabe rawit neh :P)..
TF latiannya giat lho! Sampai" tangannya berdarah.. (ihh..serem..)

Nah..ketika 15 taon TF menolak sbuah prusahaan musik karena mrk tidak mengijinkan TF menyanyikan lagu buatannya sendiri..
Nah pada akhirnya "Big Machine Records" alias t4 rekaman TF sekrang lah yg mempopulerkan dy.. debut album pertamanya dituls oleh TF sendiri pada Oktober 2006.

Pada pertengahan januari 2009, TF menjadi artis yang paling banyak di download lagunya yaitu 2 juta download untuk 3 lagu yang berbeda.
Lalu Akhir Februari 2009, lagunya yang ber
judul Love Story menjadi lagu country yang banyak didownload dan juga jadi lagu country pertama yang masuk urutan teratas Mainstream Top 40 chart.

TF pert
ama kali maen gitar karena diajarin sm seorang teknisi komputer yang menujukkan cara memainkan 3 chord. Stelah mempelajari 3 chord tsb TF membuat lagu pertamanya yang berjudul "Lucky You". Waa..TF keren ya..! >.<"

Nah temen" skrg kt tau kan ternyata seorang TF pun pernah jatuh bangun..mulai dari penolakan demi penolakan hingga kesuksesan.
Yey..TF mah udahla cantik,keren,kaya..Kurang apa coba? Dan 1 hal lg..dy MULTITALENTED!

Selain seorang penyanyi, gitaris, juga aktris..^^ Lagu" TF yang ak sk tu antara lain Tears drop on my guitars,Love story,You belong with me,Fearless,white horse, dan banyak lagii..

Aaa..ak pingin kayak Taylor Swift! Pengen belajar gitar jg neh dr dulu tp ga jadi"..
Ga mau tau de yg jelas ntar pasti ak bkalan belajar gitar as soon as possible! haha XD
anw..ak sukaaaa bgedd sm gitar cool :P

"Taylor Swift..I wanna be like U..."