Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm moving to a new blog
check it out fellas :)


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Heyy yaa..
I love this picture so muchh XD

took it yesterday in Kasang,Jambi..

Well..what do you think about it? :)

Anw.. Happy CNY and Val's day ya guyss
God Bless :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Renungan buat kita semua.. Sedihh hiksss :(

Waktu kamu berumur 2 tahun, dia mengajarimu bagaimana cara berjalan.. sebagai balasannya ... kamu kabur waktu dia memanggilmu....

Waktu kamu berumur 3 tahun, dia memasak semua makananmu dengan kasih sayang .. sebagai balasannya ... kamu buang piring berisi makananmu ke lantai...

Waktu kamu berumur 4 tahun, dia memberimu pensil warna ... sebagai balasannya .. kamu corat coret tembok rumah dan meja makan....

Waktu kamu berumur 5 tahun, dia membelikanmu baju-baju mahal dan indah..sebagai balasannya ... kamu memakainya bermain di kubangan lumpur.

Waktu berumur 6 tahun, dia mengantarmu pergi ke sekolah ... sebagai balasannya ... kamu berteriak "NGGAK MAU ..!"...

Waktu berumur 7 tahun, dia membelikanmu bola ... sebagai balasannya . kamu melemparkan bola ke jendela tetangga....

Waktu berumur 8 tahun, dia memberimu es krim ... sebagai balasannya.. kamu tumpahkan dan mengotori seluruh bajumu....

Waktu kamu berumur 9 tahun , dia membayar mahal untuk kursus-kursusmu, sebagai balasannya ... kamu sering bolos dan sama sekali nggak mau belajar...

Waktu kamu berumur 10 tahun, dia mengantarmu kemana saja, dari kolam renang sampai pesta ulang tahun .. sebagai balasannya ...... kamu melompat keluar mobil tanpa memberi salam....

Waktu kamu berumur 11 tahun, dia mengantar kamu dan temen-temen kamu kebioskop .. sebagai balasannya ... kamu minta dia duduk di barisan lain...

Waktu kamu berumur 12 tahun, dia melarangmu melihat acara tv khusus untuk orang dewasa ... sebagai balasannya ... kamu tunggu sampai dia keluar rumah.

Waktu kamu berumur 13 tahun, dia menyarankanmu untuk memotong rambut karena sudah waktunya sebagai balasannya.. kamu bilang dia tidak tahu mode.

Waktu kamu berumur 14 tahun, dia membayar biaya untuk kemahmu selama liburan .. sebagai balasannya ... kamu nggak pernah menelponnya.

Waktu kamu berumur 15 tahun, pulang kerja dia ingin memelukmu ... sebagai balasannya ... kamu kunci pintu kamarmu.

Waktu kamu berumur 16 tahun, dia mengajari kamu mengemudi mobil ...sebagai balasannya ... kamu pakai mobilnya setiap ada kesempatan tanpa mempedulikan kepentingannya.

Waktu kamu berumur 17 tahun, dia sedang menunggu telpon yang penting ... sebagai balasannya ... kamu pakai telpon nonstop semalaman..

waktu kamu berumur 18 tahun, dia menangis terharu ketika kamu lulus SMA.. sebagai balasannya ... kamu berpesta dengan teman-temanmu sampai pagi.

Waktu kamu berumur 19 tahun, dia membayar semua kuliahmu dan mengantarmu ke kampus pada hari pertama ... sebagai balasannya ... kamu minta diturunkan jauh dari pintu gerbang biar nggak malu sama temen-temen.

Waktu kamu berumur 20 tahun, dia bertanya "Darimana saja seharian ini?".. sebagai balasannya ... kamu menjawab"Ah, cerewet amat sih, pengen tahu urusan orang."

Waktu kamu berumur 21 tahun, dia menyarankanmu satu pekerjaan bagus untuk karier masa depanmu ... sebagai balasannya ... kamu bilang "Aku nggak mau seperti kamu."

Waktu kamu berumur 22 tahun, dia memelukmu dan haru waktu kamu lulus perguruan tinggi .. sebagai balasanmu ... kamu nanya kapan kamu bisa main ke luar negeri.

Waktu kamu berumur 23 tahun, dia membelikanmu 1 set furniture untuk rumah barumu ... sebagai balasannya ... kamu ceritain ke temanmu betapa jeleknya furniture itu.

Waktu kamu berumur 24 tahun, dia bertemu dengan tunanganmu dan bertanya tentang rencana di masa depan ... sebagai balasannya .. kamu mengeluh "Aduh gimana sih kok bertanya seperti itu."

Waktu kamu berumur 25 tahun, dia membantumu membiayai pernikahanmu sebagai balasannya ... kamu pindah ke kota lain yang jaraknya lebih dari 500 km.

Waktu kamu berumur 30 tahun, dia memberimu nasehat bagaimana merawat bayimu ... sebagai balasannya ... kamu katakan "Sekarang jamannya sudah beda."

waktu kamu berumur 40 tahun , dia menelponmu untuk memberitahu pesta salah satu saudara dekatmu .. sebagai balasannya kamu jawab "Aku sibuk sekali, nggak ada waktu."

Waktu kamu berumur 50 tahun, dia sakit-sakitan sehingga memerlukan perawatanmu ... sebagai balasannya ... kamu baca tentang pengaruh negatif orang tua yang numpang tinggal di rumah anaknya.

Dan hingga SUATU HARI, dia meninggal dengan tenang ... dan tiba-tiba kamu teringat semua yang belum pernah kamu lakukan... itu sangat menghantam HATIMU & membuatmu menyesal, tp sayang, semua sudah terjadi. sebelum semuanya terlambat, sayangilah orang tuamu!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Well well.. I'm not well now :(
Wah.. udah hampir 3 hari ne gw sakit.. udah kurus tambah kurus aja..
Bayangkan dalam waktu 1 hari gw turun 1 kg.. Ohh pliss..gw ga mau tbh kurusss. Bisa" ntar tinggal tulang lagi.. mana kalau mau naikin berat badan susahnya setangah matii..
Well.. sebnarnya saya sakit diare..
Bayangkan saja saya sudah berapa kali bolak balik ke yg namanya WC, belum lagi mual" yg saya derita hingga ada yang bilang saya seperti ibu" hamil.. (heiyaa..gw belum hamil tauu :p )
Anw.. ada hikmahnya juga nih sakit kali ini.. whahaha
1st gw ga ikutan ulangan MTK.. Well, sebernya ga untung" banget sihh.. soalnya gw harus ikut ul susulan. Jadi sama aja nggak..
Apalagi nih gw uda langganan ga ikut ulangan MTK 3x. Dan alasannya selalu sakit! (ga kreatif banget ya?) Ya..tp mau gimana lagi.. emg itu kok yg sebenarnya.. Dan yang pasti itu Guru udah inget sama gw. Bahkan sebelum ulangan dy uda wanti" gw biar jgn ga masuk lagi. haha..
Tapi mbok ya mau gimana lagi.. namanya sakit tiba" siapa sih yang bisa merencanakan hehe..
2nd gw belom siap untuk baca puisi waktu pelajaran bahasa! Bayangkan deh..baca puisi? Idih.. gw mah paling ga sukaa.. sebnernya lebih tepatnya ga bakat jadinya ya jadi ngaa suka gitu de..hehe.
Ohyaa untungnya.. sekarang sih gw uda mendingan..lebih sehat dr kemaren" pastinya..
Semua ini berkat my mom deh yg uda rawat gw.. duh kesannya kayak anak manja ya masih diurusin mami? Hahaha..
Anw.. ga tau lg neh mau nulis apa lagi..
God Bless ya :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Emily Bear- The Next Mozart


iWell..Emily Bear is an amazing kid! I have known her from "Lyn" - Thanks for the information :) - Well.. I think it's time for u to know more about our youngest pianist and composer - Maybe she will be the next MOZART- Waw.. :D

Pianist Emily Bear has only been playing piano for three years, but at just eight years old, her accomplishments are inspiring and her talent is breathtaking. Classical, jazz and boogie come naturally to her. She performs a large list of classics and standards, and also composes her own magical songs.

Emily was the youngest solo performer in the history of the Ravinia Festival, has performed with many well known musicians, appeared on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" five times and performed at the White House. See Events for more info and Galleries for photos and videos.

Emily and her family are dedicated to using her talent to help and inspire others. Giving and charity are very important to Emily and a portion of the proceeds from all CD sales are donated to charity foundations such as Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Ronald McDonald House Charities, and Children's Hospital, among others.

Her latest CD "Always True" is now available in the Store.
Her first three CDs, "Five Years Wise", "The Love In Us" and "Once Upon A Wish" are also available.

Biography - Emily Bear - Pianist/Composer

Emily Bear is 8 years old and began her piano studies just before the age of 5 with Emilio del Rosario at The Music Institute of Chicago. She currently studies classical piano with Mary Sauer Principal Keyboardist for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and jazz improvisation with Alan Swain. Additional mentors include Yoheved Kaplinsky, head of the Juilliard piano department. Emily was the youngest student ever to be invited to study at The Aspen Music Festival. Emily is equally comfortable playing jazz, classical, or her own compositions.

Emily made her professional debut performing a solo concert at the Ravinia Music Festival in July, 2007, when she was 5 years old. She played a solo 40 minute program mixing classical, jazz and her own compositions. She is the youngest performer in Ravinia’s more than 100 year history. She was asked back to perform a second time on September 7, 2008, and was invited to perform at Ravinia for the third year in a row during summer of 2009.

On March 24th, 2008, Emily was invited to perform at The White House for President and Mrs. Bush and 400 guests. She performed a 30 minute solo concert mixing jazz and original compositions.

Emily was a recipient of a 2008 ASCAP Morton Gould Young Composer Competition award for her original song, “Northern Lights”. She was asked to be one of two pianists to perform at the awards ceremony in New York City and was invited to perform her winning song again for a performance at Lincoln Center.

Emily received national attention when she was a featured guest on The Ellen Degeneres Show. She appeared on 3 episodes in three and a half months. She composed an original song for each appearance: “Ellen’s Song”, “Thanks...”, and “The Love In Us”. She appeared on the show for a 4th time, debuting another original song, “Once Upon a Wish”. In April, 2009, she appeared for the 5th time on the show, debuting her original song, “Tomorrow’s Wishes”.

Emily was asked by Steinway and Sons to perform a solo concert at the Chicago film premier of the new documentary film "Note by Note: the Making of Steinway L1037". She performed the concert on the actual piano built in the movie.

In November, 2008, Emily was personally invited by Lang Lang to perform for him at a Master Class hosted by The Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

Emily opened for Jazz legend, Ramsey Lewis and his Trio at age 6, playing a 30 minute solo piano concert. Emily also appeared at The Raue Center for the Arts in a featured solo concert. She opened The 2007 McDonald’s Chicago Thanksgiving Day Parade (which was televised nationally on WGN) performing her original song “Waterlights” . The following year, two more of Emily’s original songs were featured in the 2008 Chicago Thanksgiving Parade: “Giving” and “Christmas Bells”.

Emily made her orchestral debut in front of a capacity audience of 2500 people performing her original song, “The Love in Us” with The Orlando Symphony Orchestra at a private corporate event. She also performed at Noche de Ninos, a gala for Los Angeles Children’s Hospital, hosted by Jennifer Lopez ,Warren Beatty, Annette Benning, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jewel, honoring Jamie Lee Curtis.

Emily was invited to become a video disc artist for the Piano Disc System and just taped an episode for a new children’s television show for PBS titled, “All You Need Is Music”. She was featured on the WFMT Radio Show, Introductions, performing a solo 45 minute live concert. Emily also performed at the Music in the Loft Concert Series.

Emily made her classical orchestral debut at age 7, performing Mozart’s Piano Concerto, no.23, k488 with the Rockford Symphony Orchestra and with the Champagne-Urbana Symphony. She also performed in a concert honoring Chicago Tonight’s 25th Season for WTTW Television at The Harris Theater in Millennium Park.

Emily recently was featured at The Noble Awards at The Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles, a new awards show honoring 15 charities. She was also invited to perform at a Young Steinway Artists concert in Chicago as well as at another screening even for Steinway's Note By Note Film. In December she will appear at a benefit for The Children's Hospital of Chicago.

Emily has been featured in stories on: ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, WTTW- Chicago Tonight, and WGN and was recently feature in a story for Sunday Night, Channel 7, Australia, titled, "Beautiful Minds".

Emily recorded her first CD, Five Years Wise, in July of 2007. The CD is a mixture of jazz standards and original songs. A second CD, The Love In Us, featuring 10 original songs, was released in April, 2008 and a 3rd CD, Once Upon a Wish, was released in December of 2008. And her most recent CD collection of original songs, Always True, was released in October, 2009. She is a member of ASCAP, SAG and AFTRA.

Past Performances include:
- Noche de NiƱos Gala - May 9, 2009
- 5th Annual Big Mac Under Glass Gala - May 2, 2009
- The Ellen Degeneres Show - April 30, 2009
- Chicago Tonight's 25h Anniversary Season Benefit - April 17, 2009
- Rockford Symphony Orchestra - Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 23, K488 - March 28, 2009
- Music In the Loft - February 15, 2009
- The Ellen Degeneres Show - November 17, 2008
- Lang Lang Master Class at The Chicago Symphony, November 16, 2008
- Ravinia - September 7, 2008
- 2008 ASCAP Morton Gould Young Composer Competition Awards Ceremony, performed "Northern Lights"
- McDonald's 2008 World Convention with members of The Orlando Symphony Orchestra - April 13,2008
- The White House Easter Egg Roll Breakfast - March 24, 2008
- Concert at Chicago Premiere of documentary film "Note By Note: The Making of Steinway L1037" - January 18, 2007
- The Ellen Degeneres Show - January 8, 2007
- Raue Center for the Arts concert - December 9, 2007
- The Ellen Degeneres Show - November 23, 2007
- Opened The Chicago Thanksgiving Day Parade - November 22, 2007
- Opening act for Ramsey Lewis at The Coronado Theatre - October 17, 2007
- The Ellen Degeneres Show - October 3, 2007
- Music Institute of Chicago, Young People's Concert - September 9, 2007
- On The Waterfront - September 1, 2007
- Ravinia, professional debut - July 1, 2007
- Music Institute of Chicago Gala - Celebrity Piano Bar - May 2, 2007

Visit her Official Website :


Friday, January 1, 2010

Yuhuuuuu.. a new post in 2010!
Ga terasa ya sekarang udah tahun 2010.. harus tambah seneng ato sedih ne? *confuse!*
Ya gima ga bingung? tambah tahun berarti tambah tua dong??
Whaaa.. TAMBAH TUAA! This year I will be sixteen.. I am sixteen ui! Selangkah lg untuk menjadi seventeen,then gw bakalan punya KTP! wahaaa... Duh..rada lebay deh gw..emgnya apa bangganya coba punya KTP? haha XD

Perasaan cepet banget ya taon 2009 kmrn.. terlalu singkat :(
But anyway.. berhubung gw td pagi barusan ntn film KUNGFU PANDA di HBO, gw teringat akan kata" master oggway- itu tuh..si kura" yg uda tua..oopss..hehee-. Katanya "Yesterday is a history, Tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift" :)
Sesiapa pun yg menciptakan quote itu.. U are trully correct!
Apalagi yg today is a gift.. Wah..rasanya memotifasi banget tuh. Everyday is a gift! Don't wase your time..because they are worth to fight for (loh?ga nyambung yah?haha).

Perasaan ga ada yg istimewa deh di tahun 2010..kita hanya akan melakukan aktifitas yg sama seperti tahun" sebelumnya? Apalagi kalo bukan sekolah... kalo uda sekolah pasti harus belajarr-walau sebenarnya gw paling benci aktivitas yg 1 ini haha- lalu makan,tidur,mandi,jalan"...dll...
See? sebenarnya kalo mau dibilang bosen sih iya juga...tp ada quote nih..
"Orang yg merasa bosan pada hidupnya adalah orang yg tidak memiliki kreativitas dlm hidupnya"
Hahaha.. gw rasa quote itu benerrr.. secara sebenarya banyak hal lain yg bisa kita lakukan. Karna Tuhan menciptakan kita dengan kelebihan masing". Trust it.. Tuhan itu adil kok.. Cuma kitanya aja yg terkadang bosan dan malas untuk menggali hal itu dari dalam diri kita.
Alhasil kita hanya melakukan hal" yg monoton dan ujung"nya mengeluh "BOSAN!".
Yaaa.. secara gw juga gitu kali.. wkwkk... XD
Tp ga ada salahnya kok mengubah itu semua.. toh better late than never kan?haha.. dan juga, dalam menggali potensi itu kita kudu sabar.. jangan napsu loh! haha..
Kalo kata orang bijak neh "Step by step" ato "Slow but sure" oke juga tuh.. hehehe..

Wah..ga sadar nih kebanyakan bercuap" jadinya saya seperti sedang memotivasi? haha..
TPp gpp deh.. gw seneng juga kalo ada yg termotivasi. Mana tau emg gw bakat jd motivator.. hahaha.. canda dee.. :P

Anw..gotta go noww!
Start a new life! Make a better place for u and for me :)
GBU :)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year 2010 !!

"Heavenly Father, for this coming year
Just one request I bring.

I do not pray for happiness or any earthly thing.
I do not ask to understand the way you lead me;
But this I ask—teach me to do the thing that pleases You.
I want to know Your guiding voice,
To walk with you each day.

Heavenly Father,
Make me swift to hear and ready to obey;
And thus the year I now begin
A happy year will be,

If I am seeking just to do
The thing that pleases You."


Happy New Year :)